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Acupuncture - auricular (ear) 

Acupuncture is a balancing and centering process which reduces stress and cravings and promotes a sense of calm so that one gradually becomes more receptive to cessation. Acupuncture reduces withdrawal symptoms and increases energy levels. 

The acupuncture will be performed by an Acupuncture detoxification specialist.

This program is a walk in clinic, free of charge which is offered weekly on Mondays from 3pm - 5:15pm.  

Mind Body Skills

The evidence-based skills that you will learn and practice are movement, exercise, and breathing, biofeedback and autogenic training, meditation, guided imagery, yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong, mindful and healthy eating as a component of self-awareness, and relaxation. This is a great way to sample a variety of self healing practices in one class.


                 LEAF (Lifestyle Education And Food) Programs

                        A plant based diet also focuses on healthful whole foods, rather than                                processed foods.



Turning Over a New LEAF: This is a 4 week nutrition class where you will learn about healthy eating. The LEAF Leadership team can teach you how to reverse heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, gout, and high cholesterol.





Cancer Prevention and Survival Class: This is a 4 week nutrition class where you will learn about healthy eating specifically for cancer prevention.


Upcoming Classes

Yoga class information
Meditation Tuesday information

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a low impact form of exercise that involves a series of slow, focused movements, accompanied by deep breathing. It is a self-paced, gentle form of physical exercise and stretching. Classes are led by certified instructor.




Chair Yoga is a unique program for all, who would like to discover yoga but need modification due to illness, injury, limited range of motion, age, etc. We will use a chair and other props, if needed, to support you in your practice!

This is a free, weekly, drop-in class from 10 am to 11 am on Wednesdays

Family Yoga is a class that allows you and your children to participate in yoga together. It mindful breathing with gentle movements, ending with a longer final relaxation.  It is a chance to give your family additional tools to help them relax

Gentle Yoga is a slower paced class  that links mindful breathing with gentle movements, ending with a longer final relaxation. 

Apply for Scholarship

We appreciate your interest in our grant and donor supported sliding fee scale.


Please enter all requested information including name and age of dependents. Any incomes such as child support, pension, unemployment, disability, and worker’s compensation should be listed on the application. Please list any other additional sources of income that may not be mentioned on the application.


Mail to:

The Maple Center

70 W Honey Creek Parkway

Terre Haute, IN 47802


or email to:


After receiving your application we will review your information.  Once a decision has been reached, you will be notified.  



"What I take away from the acupuncture sessions here is a great sense of calmness, serenity, peace. It's amazing, just the sense of relaxation and wellness that I get from just a 45 minute session. It's an amazing program. I would encourage anybody to at least give it a try to see how you react with it. I know it's worked fabulously for me"  

Anthony E. Vukusich

The Jumpstart program was EYE OPENING! To be honest, I did the program out of solidarity with someone else, and I was curious about what going completely plant based for 10 days could do for me. I had NO IDEA how good (after a short sugar detox for the first few days) I would feel, how much my body would change in just TEN DAYS, and how much my blood work would reflect that. In just 10 days, I dropped six pounds, my total cholesterol went down 26 points, my HDL cholesterol went down 7 points, and my LDL cholesterol went down 21 points. Absolutely incredible. I felt so amazing that I decided to continue on with the plant based/vegan lifestyle after the program ended!”

Emily Murry

Refund Policy
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